William White I
(Abt 1615-Bef 1682)


Family Links

1. Mary (?)

William White I

  • Born: Abt 1615, England
  • Marriage (1): Mary (?) about 1640 in Northampton Co., VA
  • Died: Bef 21 Feb 1682, Accomack Co., VA


This White family is laid out in Whitelaw, in Volume II, page 1142 in descirbing the ownership of tract A121 in Accomack Co., VA. Today the neck is called White's Neck, the creek on the south in Bundick's Creek and the creek on the north is White's Creek. In 1683 William White, wife Elizabeth, died intestate and was succeeded by a son William (II). Elizabeth married Thomas Crippen. In 1703 the verbal will of William White (II) left everthing to his son William (III), who in 1767, wife Mary, left 400 acres at the south side to his son William (IV) and 200 acres on the north side to his son George. In 1797 William (IV) left his land to his sons Arthur, William, George, James and John; and the last named sold his part to his brother George and a survey 6 years later showed 421 acres for division. In 1778 George White (son of William III) and his wife Agnes left to an unborn child, if any, otherwise to a nephew George White Burton and in 1804 George W. & Helen Burton sold as 150 acres to John Burton Sr. (NOTE: Whitelaw may have skipped a generation between William II and III.)

William was on the list of tithables in Accomack in 1663 up until his death in 1682. He was listed next to Robert Huitt in 1663, he was shown as a wheelwright in 1667 and in 1679. He had only 1 tithable from 1663 thru 1675 and had 3 tithables in 1676, 1677 & 1678. In 1679, the number dropped to 2, then 4 in 1680, then 3 in 1681 & 1682. 1675 was the first year there were 2 Wm. Whites on the list, the second one is assumed to have been his son William White.

On Jul 16 1663 William White was deposed at court when he said he had lived in this country several years and had never heard ill reports of Robert Huitt and his wife till "this rumor" was spread. On Aug 17 1663, in Accomack Court, William Browne denied that he committed fornication with Norah, but she swore that he was father of her child, so it was ordered that Browne be fined 500 lbs of tobacco, post bond for the child's support, be committed to the sheriff's custody till he post bond for good behavior, and pay court costs. Norah confessed the sin of fornication, but asked to be released from corporal punishment by paying a fine. William White promised to pay 400 lbs of tobacco for Norah and she was acquited from the punishment, but was to pay 100 lbs tobacco herself plus court costs.

On Aug 18 1663 in Accomack Court, for the deposition of Dority Watts aged about 28 years: Said that last November when she came to William White's house late at night, both William and his wife asked her to stay all night. She accepted, and after a short time she heard White's wife say that her aunt stole a hood and a scarf in England, and if she had not left when shd did, she would have been stopped. Mrs. White also said that her aunt stole a doctor's case of instruments.

William was named as a headright on Nov 17 1664 at Accomack Co. on a list for Robert Pitt. On Dec 18 1666, William White was granted a certificate for 400a of land for transporting 8 people into the Virginia colony. He patented that land in 1667 and 2 years later he and his wife Mary assigned it to Arthur Robins, who reassigned to Teague Anderson. (Whitelaw states: This land adjoins the land that Solomon White purshased from Southy Simpson in 1748. An abstract of the deed in part reads: 125a of land bounded at a branch issuing into Hunting Creek at a marked pine and thence ... to a marked oak binding on Richard Grinald's land and thence ... to a marked pine and thence ... to a sassafras stake at Nelson's land and thence ... to a pine at Waterfield's land at the 1st beginning and also the trees belonging thereto.)

William White served on a jury on Jun 16 1673 in Accomack Co., VA. He served with another Wm. White, planter (This William White is decribed as a wheelwright in the records). The next day we find Wm. White, wheelwright, on a jury and the foreman was Ambrose White. On Aug 19 1673 Wm. White, wheelwright, and Wm. White, planter, were both on the same jury whose foreman was Ambrose White.

On Jun 17 1673 Teague (as Teige) Anderson sold 400a of land to William Willett and George Middleton on Hunting Creek "once owned by William White." William White, wheelwright, purchased 374a of land on May 19 1674 at Pungoteague, Accomack Co., VA from George/Florence Parker for 5,454 lbs of tobacco. The land is described as "at Pengeteag on the south side of Pocomoke Creek bounded by land formerly owned by John Williams, Nicholas Wadelow and Anthony Johnson, Negro."

William died before Feb 21 1682 in Accomack Co. It was on this date that administration on his estate was granted to Elizabeth White, widow of said William, which she made security. Ordered that George Hope, Isaac Dix, John Sturgis and John Barnes go to the nearest magistrate to be sworn and that they appraise and inventory the estate of William White.


William married Mary (?) about 1640 in Northampton Co., VA. (Mary (?) was born about 1620 and died before 1682 in Accomack Co., VA.)


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