John Floyd I
(Abt 1640-1687/1687)


Family Links

1. Mary* Berry

John Floyd I 1

  • Born: Abt 1640, Wales?
  • Marriage (1): Mary* Berry about 1674 in Northampton Co., VA
  • Died: 02 Apr 1687-28 Jul 1687, Northampton Co., VA


The Floyd family was longtime owners of Hog Island in Northampton Co., VA. Inthe well-documented "Miles Files" in the Eastern Shore Public Library (VA), we find this: According to Brice Clagget the Floyd quarter of Hog Island amounted to 837 acres, and on the whole John Floyd's descendants obeyed his testamentary command that "my desire is that if any of my three son shall not like to live on their part of Hog Island that they sell to their brothers or brother for the just value and . . . sell it to no other person." In the century and a half that Floyds continued on Hog Island, there were many conveyances among the family and, though there were a few to outsiders, these were made up for by new acquisitions. In 1833, by two deeds, 700 acres of Hog Island were conveyed to Joshua Bloore by Esther, Betsy, James, Sally D., Thomas B., Sally, William, Polly and Susan S. Floyd. Eight years previously Shepherd B. Floyd had deeded 125 acres to Eli Dowty. Thus the Floyd ownership of the Island came to an end (except for 100 acres purchased in 1828 by Matthew Floyd from Charles West); but the family has continued in Northampton County and is still prominent there; being noted in recent years for breeding racehorses. A small settlement of oysterman and fisherman remained on the island until the early 1930's, when a great hurricane drove them away. They never returned, and the island is now totally uninhabited.

John Floyd was in Virginia prior to 1660 as he was named as a headright on Jul 30 1660 in Northampton Co, VA when a land certificate was granted to John Wilcon (as Wilcocks) for 1,000a for transporting 20 persons into the county. The full list included Ann Wilcocks, Rose Yardly, Mary Avery, Cornelius Johnson, John Custis, Wm Marshall, Robt Marklockson, Henry Yardley, Wm Burton, Arien Ames, John Wilcocks, Wm St. Johns, Mary Barber, Ann Jeanes, Geo. Jenkins, John Floyd, Florence Pomroy, Wm Taylor, John Fereby & Wm Pryer. (NOTE: the "Miles Files" state that he was presumably born in Wales, although nothing of his parentage or early life is known.)

Floyd purchased land on May 1 1668 in Northampton Co where, in Whitelaw, we see that John Waterson and wife Frances assigned 100a of tract N37 to John Floyd. In Floyd's will of 1687, he left it to son John who later died intestate but seems to have been followed by still another John. In 1789 John and Elishe Floyd of Princess Anne Co. VA sold to James Floyd. In 1823 a survey of the land of the late Captain James Floyd showed 127 1/2a. (Whitelaw, 1968) This was his home plantation, located in modern times (2017) about two miles south of Cheriton, VA in the present on the water on the eastern side of the peninsula just south of the present small village of Oyster.

John Floyd was appointed constable of Northampton Co. in 1669. John Floyd patented land in 1681 in Northampton Co., part of 2,200a granted to Thomas Hunt, John Floyd, Edmund Bibby and George Clarke. In 1687 a new patent was granted to the same partners for a total of 3,350a called "Hogg Island" alias Shooting Beach. The next year the island was formally divided as follows: the south end to Mary "Lloyd" (sic, Floyd) on behalf of Charles, Berry and Matthew Floyd; to Thomas Hunt, the land north of the Floyds; the part north of him to Elizabeth Clarke on behalf of George and William Clarke; and the north end to Bibby. In the allotment of the Floyd part it was stated that it was near Coffin's house; perhaps he was the Thomas Coffin who had taken out a patent for Rogues' Island, and as overseer for the owners of Hog Island, he may have been the first person to live the latter. In 1728 Benjamin and Matthew Floyd sold 100 acres to Thomas Bell. In 1746 Samuel Floyd sold 139 acres to Charles Floyd. In 1747 Matthew Floyd sold 139 acres to Berry Floyd. In 1750 There was a formal division of 595 acres of Floyd land: 139 acres to Samuel Floyd; 278 acres to Matthew Floyd Sr., and 178 acres to Berry Floyd. (See Whitelaw and "Miles Files")

Floyd patented more land in 1687, 400a called Prout's Island. In the years following, sales for parts of the island were noted, but no effort was made to trace each component part. In 1815 a Patent was issued to H. W. Cobb for 210 acres of Prout's Island. As time went on, storms cut a channel through the upper part of the island and the north part thus cut off became Prout's Island, while the remainder was called Cobb's Island. The former is now entirely gone. During the last quarter of the past century, a substantial hotel was built on the latter island and it became a very popular resort for some years, but erosion became so severe that finally the project had to be abandoned. (Whitelaw, 1968)

John Floyd wrote his will on Apr 2 1687 and it was proven at Northampton Co., VA on Jul 28 1687.
- To my son John my 100a plantation whereon I now live, a set of cooper's tools and carpenter's tools.
- To my sons Charles, Berry, and Mathew all my 1/4 part of Hogg Island to be equally divided
- To my daughter Sarah one feather bed.
- To my daughter Esther one feather bed, but if she dies under 16 then to the rest of her brothers and sister.
- To my loving wife Mary two feather beds.
- My sons to be at age at 18 if their mother remarries, else 20, and daughters at 16.
- To my son John the 1/2 of Prouts Island.
- To my wife for life the use of 1/3 of my plantation.
- Wife Mary and my son John extrs.
Witnesses: William Jarvis, William Shepheard, Thomas Hunt (NoVAW-XV-12:294)


John married Mary* Berry about 1674 in Northampton Co., VA. (Mary* Berry was born about 1655.)



1 Miles Files - Eastern Shore (VA) Public Library (

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