William Berryman
(Abt 1580-Abt 1620)
Alice (?)
(Abt 1585-Bef 1640)
Col. Thomas Johnson
(Abt 1615-1658/1658)
Mary Berryman
(Abt 1615-Bef 1648)
Capt. Obediance Johnson


Family Links

1. Temperance Dalby

Capt. Obediance Johnson 1

  • Born: 1643, Northampton Co., VA
  • Marriage (1): Temperance Dalby before 16 Nov 1665 in Northampton Co., VA
  • Died: 30 Nov 1709-28 Jan 1709, Northampton Co., VA


Obedience Johnson patented land on Oct 20 1661 at Northampton Co, VA via a grant to Obedience Johnson, son and heir of Thomas Johnson, 200 acres in Northampton Co. at Occahannock Creek at the head of Matacepe Neck bounded on the westward parts by a branch called Cedar branch which separates this tract from the land of Henry Edwards & George Suett (Truitt), on the northern parts by the land of the said Johnson, on the eastern parts by a branch called Pine Bridge branch & southerly into the main woods. The said land being formerly granted to the said Major Thomas Johnson by patent dated Mar 14 1655 and is now due to the said Obedience as son and heir.

In Whitelaw, Richard Teague was assigned 350a in tract N101 by Nicholas Waddelowe in 1656. Waddelowe had received the patent for the land that same year. This is the same land Richard Teague leaves to son Gabriel and Richard in 1660. This land in the modern day (2017) is on the north side of Nassawadox Creek and adjacent to and east of the hamlet of Jamesville, VA. Gabriel Teague deeded his interest to John Custis representing Col. Francis Yardley's interests in 1673. Francis and Argoll Yardley sold the entire 350a to Obedience Johnson in 1675 and Johson deeded it back to Custis alone for life and his son John a storehouse and one acre. In 1696, Johnson gift-deeded the land to his daughter Temperance and her husband Jacob Johnson - by 1716, the land was in the possession their daughter Mary who had married Dingley Gray. Mary Gray, in her will, mentions Jacob Johnson Gray and Benjamin Dingley Gray. Jacob J. Gray must have died or moved as Benjamin D. Gray ends up with the land in 1750.

Obedience Johnson appears on the Bench of the Accomack County Court as "Capt. Obed: Johnson" at the Oct 22 1680 session, when with him on the Bench were Lt. Col. John West, Capt. Richard Hill and John Wallop. He continued to serve until at least Sep 21 1687.

On Feb 10 1695/6 Obedience Johnson, Gent. of Northampton County made a deed of gift of 350a on the north side of Nassawadox (as Nusswaddox) Creek to his daughter Temperance Johnson and her husband Jacob Johnson.

Obediance Johnson, Gentleman, wrote his will on Nov 30 1709 and it was proven on Jan 28 1708/9 in Northampton Co., VA:
- To son Obediance Johnson, the plantation called "Mattinaippe" with the little neck bounded south by a line of marked trees the line between sons Obedience and Richard Johnson, bounded E, N and W by Occahannock Creek and its branches.
- To son Richard, 200a bounded northerly by land given to son Obediance a to the souht according to patent into the woods
- To daughter Elizabeth White (and her husband John White during his life), 150a being part of 300a of marsh called "White Marsh" in Accomack Co.
- To daughter Mary Parramore, 150a the remainder of the above 300a
- To loving wife Temperance during her widowhood, the plantation whereon I live now in Mattiaippe Neck
- To son Obedience, my great gun, silver hilted sword and belTo gransdaughter Temperance White (under age 16)
- To granddaughter Temperance Parramore
- Wife to be executrix
Witnesses: Mary Johnson, Luke Johnson, George Marshall (NoVAW-XIX-19:4)


Obediance married Temperance Dalby, daughter of John Dalby and Margaret Drew, before 16 Nov 1665 in Northampton Co., VA. (Temperance Dalby was born about 1648.)



1 Miles Files - Eastern Shore (VA) Public Library (http://espl-genealogy.org/MilesFiles/site/index.htm).

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