Peter Freeny
(Bef 1695-After 1765)


Family Links

1. Elizabeth Insley (Inchly)

Peter Freeny

  • Born: Bef 1695, Somerset Co., MD
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth Insley (Inchly) about 1719 in Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: After 08 Jul 1765, Worcester Co., MD


On Aug 6 1716, from Richard Rider sold 200a of tract "Barren Quarter" to Peter Freeny. (no deed found but listed as such in the Somerset Rent Rolls). On Aug 6 1723, Peter Freeny (as Frenie), planter, and wife Elizabeth Freeny sold land in tract "Barren Quarter" to John Huffington, gentleman for 3000 pounds of tobacco. This land is located in the modern day on the west side of the town of Mardela Springs and running along US Route 50 (SoLR-GH:105)

In the June court of 1728 in Somerset we find a suit against Peter Freeny: "Peter Freeny late of Stepny Parish in Somersett County al.s dict.s Peter Freeny of Somersett County in the Province of Maryland Planter was Sumoned to answer unto John Read of a plea that he Render unto him six thousand pounds of tobacco good sound merchantable Leafe tobacco which to him he owes and from him he unjustly detains &c. And whereupon the same John by George Dashiell his attorney saith that whereas the afd Peter the twenty first day of December anno Dom one thousand Seven hundred and twenty three at Somersett County within the Jurisdiction of this Court by his Certain Bill or writing Granted himselfe to be held and firmly Bound unto the same Jn.o in Six thousand pounds of good sound Merchantable Leafe tobacco to be paid the Same Jn.o when afterwards the Said Peter Should be thereto Requested yet the afd Peter tho' often thereto requested the Said Sum of Six thousand pounds of tobacco to the Same John hath not rendered but the said Peter the Same hitherto to do hath altogether Denyed and Still doth Deny and unjustly detaine whereby the Same John Says he is wors and hath Damage to the value of Seven thousand pounds of tobacco and thereof he Brings this Suite And the Same John Brings hereinto Court the Bill or writting afd which the Debt afd in form afd wittnesseth whose date in the Same day and Year afd Geo Dashiell P Quer Pledges &.c ---- Jno Doe Richd Roe And the afd Peter Freeny in his Own proper person Comes and defends the force and Injury when &.c and sayeth that he Cannot deny the action afd; of the afd John Read nor Can he deny but that he Owes the same John Read the afd six thousand pounds of tobacco in manner and form as the afd John Read above against him hath declared &.c. Therefore it is Considered by the Court here the Eighteenth day of June ann.o Dom One thousand Seven hundred and twenty Eighth that the afd John Read Recover against the afd Peter Freany Six thousand pounds of good sound Merchantable Leafe tobacco his debt afd ^and^ his damages by Occasion of the detaining of the same Debt to three hundred and thirty one 331 pounds of tobacco to the same John Read of his assent by the Court here adjudged and the afd defend.t in Mercy &c." (SoJ-1727/30:107-108)

On Sep 3 1764, Peter Freeny (as Freany) of Worcester County and wife Elizabeth Freeny, the "only daughter and heir of John Inchly executed a deed of gift for land in tract "Midfield" to John Rider (as Ryder) (SoLR-C:246).

On Jul 2 1765, Peter Freeney gave son John all his household goods and three cows/calves, two heifers and one mare, one yearling and seven hogs. The transaction was witnessed on Jul 8 1765, the last record this compiler finds where Peter Freeny was alive (WoLR-F:392).


Peter married Elizabeth Insley (Inchly), daughter of John Insley (Inchly) and Margaret (?), about 1719 in Somerset Co., MD. (Elizabeth Insley (Inchly) was born before 1696 in Somerset Co., MD and died after 1764 in Worcester Co., MD.)


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