Henry Figgs (Frakes)
(Abt 1658-1716/1723)
Mary (?)
(Abt 1655-)
Henry Figgs (Frakes)
(Abt 1695-)


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Henry Figgs (Frakes)

  • Born: Abt 1695, Somerset Co., MD
  • Died: PA


On Nov 2 1723, Henry Friggs of Kent Co., DE, eldest son and heir of Henry Friggs, late of Broad Creek, Somerset sold this land to Isaac Noble, cooper (SoLR-GH:94)

In the August court of 1723 for Somerset Co., we find the following caes concerning Henry Friggs: "Wee of the Grand Jury for the Body of Somersett County do Present Elizabeth Burcham, Spinster, for Bearing a bastard Child (Stepney Parish) the first day of march Last Charles Young, Informer; James Rownd foreman. Thereupon Command was given to the Sherr of Somersett County that he should take the said Elizabeth Burcham, Spinster if he should be found in his Bailiwick and her should Safe Keep so that he might have her Body Before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somersett to be held at Dividing Creek the third tuesday of August then next to answer unto his Lordship Concering a Certain presentment against her found and that thereof he should not fail &c. Atwhich said third tuesday of august ann Dom One thousand Seven hundred and Twenty three being the day of the return of the Said Writt Comes the Sherr of Somersett County to whom the foregoeing writt was directed Com and makes return thereof Endorst in these words vizt Cepi Corpus Jos: MccChester sher. Whereupon the said Elizabeth Burcham in her own proper person appears and being sett to the Bar is thereupon Instantly demanded how she would acquitt herselfe of the Premisses afd above Imposed upon her Says that of the Premisses afd above Imposed upon her she is guilty thereof and submitts to the mercy of the Court and makes oath that a Certaine Henry Friggs is the father and Begetter of the Child she stands presented for and is willing to pay her fine for the fact afd &c Wherefore it is Considered by the Justices here the twentieth day of august Ann Dom One thousand Seven hundred and twenty three that the said Elizabeth Burcham be fined to his Lordship the Lord Proprietarie the sume of six hundred pounds of tobacco for the fact afd thereupon It's ordered by the Court that the said Eliz.a Burcham give Security for the fine afd and all the Officers fees that hath accrued by occation of the premises Thereupon a Certain John reed of Somrsett County present here in Court undertakes for the Said Eliz.a Burcham and acknowledged himselfe to owe and stand Justly Indebted unto his Said Lordship his heirs and successors in the sum of teen pounds Curr.t money to be Levied on his Body Goods or Chattles Lands or tenements for the use of his Lordship in his Case they doe not pay and satisfie the fine afd and all the Officers their fees that accrued by action of the premisses afd &c." (SoJ-1723/25:87-88)

Also in the same court, "Henry Friggs appointed Overseer of the roads in the afd (Nanticoke) hundred from Broad Creek to Gravelly Branch." (Ibid:92)

In the November 1724 court, we find Henry again involved in a suit:
"Joseph Venables
Henry Freicks
Command was given to the sher of Somersett County that he Should take Henry Freicks Late of Somersett County planter if he Should be found in his bailywick and him sho'ld safe Keep so that you he might have his body before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somersett to be held at Dividing Creek in Somersett County afd the third tuesday of March then next to answer unto Joseph Venables of a plea of trespass upon the Case &c and that thereof he Should not faile &c. Somersett County fs: the writt taken Out against you by Joseph Venables is for the Ballance of an acc.t between you and him amounting to Nine pounds One Shilling Curr.t mony Levin Gale
--- To Mr Henry Friecks Psent
March ye 13 1724/5 Henry Friggs D.r
To 5 yd.s of broad Cloath @ 12 s P yd £3.. 0..0
To 4 doz.n of Coat buttons @ 12d p dozn 0.. 4..0
To 3 sticks Mohair 0.. 1..6
To 21½ bushells of Indian Corn @ 2s p bus 2.. 3..0
To 16¼ D.o @ Do 1..12..6
To 6 gall.s Brandy @ 5s P Galln 1..10..0
To 1 Croscutt Saw @ 10s 0..10..0
Saving Errors p me Jos: Venables
Jurat Incuria p Thomas Hayward Clk
Att which Third Tuesday ^of^ November to witt the seventeenth day of the same Month Ann Dom One Thousand seven hundred and Twenty four Being the day of the Returne of the said writt Comes the the said Joseph Venables by Levin Gale his Attorny afd and the Sherriffe of Somersett County To whome the aforegoing writt was directed Likewise Comes and Makes returne Thereof to the Court Here Endorst in these words (Vizt) Non Est Inventus P Jos: MccClester Sherr Whereup^on^ the said Joseph Vennables by his Attor^ne^y afd Pray's That for as much as he has Comply'd with the Law in Order to An Attachment he may have Judgmt againest the said Henry Freicks for his damages afd By way of attachment according to Act of Assembly & Whereupon for that it seemeth to the Court here that the said Joseph Vennables has Complyed with the Law as alledged, Therefore it is Considered by the Justices here the seventeenth day of November Ann Dom One thousand seven hundred and Twenty four afd That the said Joheph Vennables recover againest the said Henry Freicks as well the sum of Nine Pounds Tenn Shillings Currant Mony his damages by occation of the Premisses afd as as all Costs and Charges by the said Plft Laid Out and Expended about his suite by way of Attachment againest the Goods Chattles rights or Creditts of the said Henry Freicks." (SoJ-1723/25:258-9)


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