John W. Pryor
(1886-1952) |
John W. Pryor 2
John married Bertha E. (?) in 1907 in MD.1 (Bertha E. (?) was born in 1886 in MD,4 died in 1979 in Wicomico Co., MD and was buried in 1979 in Wicomico Memorial Park, Salisbury, Wicomico Co., MD.) |
1 1910 MD Census, states they had been married 3 years in 1910.
2 1910 MD Census, Listed as John W. Pryor, age 23, in Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD.
3 1900 MD Census, Listed as John W. Pryor, born Jul 1886, in Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD.
1910 MD Census, Listed as Bertha E. Pryor, age 23, in Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD.
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