Elizabeth D. Whitehead Jones
- Born: 27 Apr 1789, Somerset Co., MD
- Marriage (1): William S. Disharoon on 01 Jul 1817 in Somerset Co., MD 1
- Died: 28 Aug 1848, MD
William S. Disharoon Family Bible Transcribed and made available for all to share by David Heise.
MARRIAGES Benjamin Disharoon and Amelia W. Dorman were married 19th of April 1793 William S. Disharoon & Elizabeth W. Jones were married the 2nd of July 1817 Andrew K. Sanders & Amanda E. J. Dashiell were married the 20th of April 1836 Marcellus Covington & Susan J. Disharoon were married the 10th of Sept. 1838 Lazarus M.Hall & Betsey E.J. Disharoon were married the 20th of December 1838 Lazarus M.Hall & Mary E. Bozman was married on the 4th day of January 1865 Edward Tyler & Amanda S. Tyler [Hall] were married February 3rd 1869 Sidney T. Shores & Henrietta E. Tyler were married Oct. 20th 1886
BIRTHS William S. Disharoon son of Benj.n. & Amelia his wife was born the 21st day of December in the year of out Lord 1794 Betsey W. Jones, daughter of John & Betsey his wife was born the 27th day of April in the year of out Lord 1790 Susan Jones Disharoon was born 21st of April 1818 Betsey E. J. Disharoon was born 6th of August 1819 Augustus John Sanders was born the 17th December 1836 George Andrew Hall was born 27th or 29th September 1837[?] William Johns S. Hall was born 28th of November 1841 William Johns S. Hall was born 6th of February 1845 Betsey E. Hall was born the 30th[?] April 1847 Amanda Sally Stuart White Hall was born 15th February 1850 John Washington Lee, son of L. M. Hall & Mary E. his wife was born on the 28th Nov. 1865 Mary Matilda Ellen daughter of L. M. Hall and Mary his wife was born on the 3rd day of August 1868 Mary Marcellus Covington was born 15th of June 1839 Julia Ann Shores daughter of Thomas & Mary Shores was born on the 9th Apl. 1858 Mary Staline Shores daughter of Thomas Shores and Mary his wife was born on the 2nd of May 1860 Henrietta E. Tyler was born February 24th 1870 Mary W. Tyler was born October 12, 1872 George[?] W. Tyler was born December 26, 1874 Edward L. Tyler was born February 19, 1876 Virginia Tyler was born August 15, 1878 James J. Tyler was born February 18th 1880 [torn] Tyler was born [torn] 1883 ___?____ baby was born July 10, 1885 Clarence E. Tyler was born November 8th 1887 Florence A. Shores was born August 27th 1887 Myrtle Shores was born November 2nd[?] 1892
DEATHS Augustus J. Sanders departed this life the 30th of December 1836 Augustus K. Sanders departed this life the 8th of July 1837 William Johns S. Hall departed this life 25th[?] day of August 1844 Betsey W. Disharoon departed this life on the 28th day of August 1848 Susan J. Covington departed this life on the 20th of October 1848 William S. Disharoon departed this life on the 20th of July [torn] Betsey E. J. D[torn] this life on [torn] 1854 '96 in the[torn] of a blissful[?,torn] Betsey E. J. D[torn] of L. [?] &[torn] depart[torn] 30th[torn]
Elizabeth married William S. Disharoon, son of Benjamin Disharoon and Amelia W. Dorman, on 01 Jul 1817 in Somerset Co., MD.1 (William S. Disharoon was born on 21 Dec 1794 in Somerset Co., MD and died on 20 Jul 1840 in Somerset Co., MD.)