Cornelius Wiltbank 1
- Born: 1756, Sussex Co., DE 2
- Marriage (1): Ann (Nancy) Burton about 1782 in DE
- Marriage (2): Esther Metcalf in 1801-1802 in Sussex Co., DE
- Marriage (3): Sarah Stockley after 1803
- Died: 09 Nov 1813, Sussex Co., DE 3
- Buried: Abt 12 Nov 1813, Wiltbank Cemetery, Lewes, Sussex Co., DE
SxW-G:014 CORNELIUS WILTBANK, of Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred 05/27/1813 11/23/1813 "being weak in Body . . ." Bequeaths to: 1. Sarah Wiltbank --wife, to have one third part of the testator's personal estate and also the sum of $45.00 per annum out of the land willed to the testator's son Robert and also the sum of $35.00 per annum out of the land devised to testator's son John--all in lieu of her dower share of the testator's lands but should she not stand to the will then in that case the one third part of the personal estate given her is hereby given to testator's sons Robert and John. She is named executrix of the will and also guardian to the personal estate belonging to the testator's daughter Hannah 2. Mary Mitcalf --daughter (wife of Thomas), -to have $1000.00 out of the personal estate over and above that has already been given to her and as a bar to any legacy left her by the testator's mother Mary Wiltbank to have one third part of the personal estate after debts and legacies are paid 3. Robert Wiltbank --son to have a part of the testator's manor farm in Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred south east of a division line to be drawn from Pagan or Canary Creek on the north west side of the orchard and thence with a straight line to the corn cribs on the south east side of the said cribs and on the north west side of the road thence parallel with the road and Shankland's line to the head of the patent line to intersect with the land belonging to the Heirs of John Prettyman and with the appurtenances, etc. And also to have an island of marsh in Lewes Creek called Green Island and should he die w/out male issue, the to his female issue and should he die w/out issue, then to the testator's son John and his male heirs. 4. John Wiltbank --son to have all of the testator's lands and marsh with the appurtenances lying on the northwest side of the aforesaid division line including all the land and marsh on the northwest that the testator purchased from Jacob White and should he die w/out heirs, then to testator's son Robert 5. Henry Hudson --who intermarried with the testator's daughter Nancy to have the sum of $100.00 out of the personal estate over and above what has already been given him which is a bar to any legacies left Nancy by the testator's mother Mary Wiltbank 6. Sally Wiltbank --daughter, to have all the lands the testator purchased from Albertus Green and should she die w/out male heirs or female heirs then to testator's daughter Hannah and her male heirs forever 7. Hannah Wiltbank --daughter to have all the land and marsh the testator purchased from David Hazzard and 6 acres of marsh purchased from the testator's brother and should she die w/out male heirs or female heirs, then to testator's daughter Sally and her male heirs -Sally and Hannah to have one third part of the personal estate to be divided between them 8. Samuel Paynter, Jr. --friend named executor along with testator's wife and in case of death or resignation of any of them then testator's son John to be executor of the will named guardian to the personal estate of testator's daughter Sally Witnesses: William Paynter, John Holland, Jacob Hargis Addendum to the will: 1. Sarah Wiltbank --wife to have the testator's household furniture and Negroes at the appraised value to have Negro girl "Nance" 2. Hannah Wiltbank --daughter should testator's wife die before she comes of age or is married, then to be under the care of Samuel Paynter, Jr. to have 2 acres of land and improvements in the Deep Valley 3. John Wiltbank --son to have 1 brown mare 4. "Robert" --Negro boy to be sold at Philadelphia and the money applied to the payment of the testator's debts 5. "Pompey" --Negro boy to be set free and at his liberty 4 years from January last. 6. "Milford" --Negro to be free at the age of 28 7. "Absolom" --Negro to be free and at his liberty at the age of 28 8. "Robert" --Negroto be free and at his liberty at the age of 28 9. "Nance" --Negro girl to be free and at her liberty at age 27 Witnesses: William Paynter, John Holland, Jacob Hargis Note: the testator signed the will in his own hand
Cornelius married Ann (Nancy) Burton, daughter of Capt. Robert Burton and Ann Dobson, about 1782 in DE. (Ann (Nancy) Burton was born on 15 Apr 1762 in Sussex Co., DE,2 died on 09 Apr 1801 in Sussex Co., DE 3 and was buried about 12 Apr 1801 in Wiltbank Cemetery, Lewes, Sussex Co., DE.)
Cornelius next married Esther Metcalf in 1801-1802 in Sussex Co., DE. (Esther Metcalf was born in 1759 in Sussex Co., DE, died on 01 Nov 1802 in DE 3 and was buried about 04 Nov 1802 in Wiltbank Cemetery, Lewes, Sussex Co., DE.)
Cornelius next married Sarah Stockley after 1803. (Sarah Stockley was born on 26 Aug 1763 in DE and died on 15 Nov 1843 in DE.)