Samuel Q. Willey
(1884-1932) |
Samuel Q. Willey 1
Died in a car crash on Jul 3 1932 on Route 13 near Eden, MD. Samuel married Emma Caldwell Washburn, daughter of William H. Washburn and Henrietta (Hennie) E. Hitch, about 1906. (Emma Caldwell Washburn was born in 1889 in Somerset Co., MD,1 4 5 died in 1965 in MD 1 and was buried in 1965 in Allen Church Cemetery, Allen, Wicomico Co., MD.) |
1 Gravestone Record.
2 1920 MD Census, Listed as age 34 in the 1920 West Princess Anne, Somerset Co., MD Census.
3 1900 MD Census, Listed as Samuel Willey, age 14, in East Princess District, Somerset Co., MD.
4 1900 MD Census, Listed as age 11 in the 1900 Princess Anne (East), Somerset Co., MD Census in household of Benjamin Willey and family.
1920 MD Census, Listed as age 30 in the 1920 West Princess Anne, Somerset Co., MD Census.
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