John Emory Bounds
John married Elizabeth E. Dove in 1878-1879. (Elizabeth E. Dove was born on 03 May 1862 in MD 3 6 7 8 and was buried in Siloam Methodist Church, Siloam, Wicomico Co., MD.) |
1 1870 MD Census, Listed as age 14 in the 1870 Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD Census.
2 1880 MD Census, Listed as age 23 in the 1880 Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD Census.
3 Gravestone Record.
4 1900 MD Census, Listed as born in Mar 1857 in the 1900 Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD Census.
5 1910 MD Census, Listed as age 53 in the 1910 Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD Census.
6 1880 MD Census, Listed as age 18 in the 1880 Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD Census.
7 1900 MD Census, Listed as born in May 1862 in the 1900 Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD Census.
1910 MD Census, Listed as age 48 in the 1910 Trappe, Wicomico Co., MD Census.
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