Last Update: 08/19/2005 10:04 AM
Through this area, I want to show off some of the old documents I have been able to collect - copies and originals - relative to the Hitch family in an historical context. Some of these documents have been found or purchased by me and some have been graciously donated by the readership of my Hitch Family Newsletter. I will add more of these in the coming days and weeks. I hope you enjoy. Please E-Mail me at if you have any thoughts or comments on either of these items. Thanks.
Press the thumbnails to see larger versions of the documents.
Church Membership of Joseph and Sarah (Muir) Hitch dated
April 4, 1807 - This is an original letter from Rev. John B. Slemons of the
"United Congregations of Monokin & Wicomico" who was a preacher in Princess
Anne, Somerset County, Maryland. Joseph and Sarah Hitch evidently carried this document
with them when they moved to Pendleton County, Kentucky in the Spring of 1807. It was
proof that they were members of the church. Thanks to Harold Donovan Hitch of Falmouth, KY
for this priceless Hitch memento.
Note from the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Greensborough, Maryland dated August 15, 1862
- This note is from my own collection that I purchased through a mail auction for a rather
nominal cost. It is worth much more than that to me however as it contains the signature
of the Bank President in 1862, Spencer Hitch. Spencer (1796-1873) was very active in the
community of Greensboro, Caroline County, Maryland in the early-to-mid nineteenth century.
He was an active Mason as evidenced by the symbol on his tombstone in the old Methodist
church cemetery in Greensboro.
Army Discharge Paper of John Hitch (1849-1920) of Clark Co., Indiana dated January 5, 1872
- This is a copy of John Hitch's Army service record that states, ". . . John Hitch a
Private of Captain M.A. Cochran's Company F of the Second Regiment of Infantry. . ."
It gives details of John Hitch's service in the Indiana Infantry for the three years from
January 5, 1869 to January 5, 1872. It states that John was born in Clark County, Indiana,
is 24 years old and is 5 feet 7 1/4 inches tall, fair complexion with blue eyes and light
hair. He was occupied as a farmer prior to his enlistment. A picture accompanied this
paper and is presented on my "Hitch Photographs" web page. Thanks to Naomi
(Hitch) Mitchell of Jeffersonville, Indiana for sending me this great piece of Hitch
P. Hitch (1840-1923) "Declaration for Pension" record for his service in the
Civil War - This document, dated May 28, 1880, describes some of the physical
ailments that affected William P. Hitch while he was in the 91st Illinois in the Civil
War. This was in a file that he submitted to be considered for a war pension. Another
document in that file (not shown here), dated May 21, 1912, certifies William Hitch's
service for Company H of the 91st Illinois Infantry USA in the Civil War. It states that
he enrolled at Camp Butler, Illinois on September 16, 1862 as a Private and was honorable
discharged at Mobile, Alabama on July 12, 1865. His physical characteristics at the time
of his enlistment were 5 feet 7 1/2 inches tall, light complexion, blue eyes and dark
from Gillis Hitch (1757/58-1847) Revolutionary War Pension file dated July 17, 1839
- It is from Pentleton (sic) County Kentucky written by Gillis to try to get his money
that was set aside for the "old sholders". He even signed the letter
"Old Sholder Gillis Hitch."